Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm seeking Warlocks/Witches to help /advise on how to unblock negativity in order to balance own power ?

I bring good luck/ fortune to other when do cleansing to myself I attract double bad blockages in all arear of my life ...any advise

since birth all gone wrong in life ,lost twin at birth, lost parents in accident ,became orphan free to adoption ,trial 4 times ,run away as teenager do got rape and abuse ,beaten etc all my boyfriends got married to someone else, but showed of with me ,had abortion ,

then cut chapter

done a cleansing final ...have children bless , but live with me the other hates me even thought got him into UNIVERSITY to become something after Father deserted him

so with him permanently became homeless even thought am paying ,got tricked out via locked out ,when took children to school another send bullies in to beat me so run off in hiding got picked up at all time but never anything what could be against the law as

the law always tries against me sample had an car accident half hour later arrested my toddler left with an suspected peterfile lol all for non appearing court 5 years ago didn't even knew there was a case after 4time attending case discontinue , as I was my own Solicitor as the duty solicitor was not good had me bailed out to an address of the pervert jesus , now again facing eviction for home again 4 times round in court to hear adjourned as landlord cant proof debt outstanding well no as I pay god how many chances does he need so done a chakra cleansing ...

with result again only friend I had left become abusive harassed sexually then disappear,babies father tells me he loves us disappear to Australia ,

people have my phone number and calling me with well with sex suggesting jesus what next

but my powers are weird when step into empty shop next busy as , fisher man cant catch fish all day when I come by caught the bigges ,

taxi guy has no jobs when I visit he gets 3 to 4 Airports same day ,

another guy has money problem soon I call him monies appears on his account

visa versa when angry I have to watch carefully what I say once I shouted wish you brake n...... change quickly into leg , then playing with toy porsche spelled milk wow next friends birthday present a brandnew porsche slipped crashed in spelled milk where a milk van lost milk ,another friend was driving I made a joke with wipers dont work ...guess what it started to rain and no wipers

when taking taxi I make joke of police so the driver hears siren but cant see cause not only delusion I put on , meter goes bizzar ,

clock or strap watches stops

need to learn to balance those forces is no longer funny my boyfriend called says you need a boat as it always rains in uk yep I got one for 拢1 in need of repair ..but got it and called ...guess?????????

Witchraft honest not a joke she is in storage and have no monies to fix her up so am a witch and do not know how to handle all ask me to do a spell no problems will 110% work as I take the bad come on anyone has an suggestion ?even witches need a good break !I%26039;m seeking Warlocks/Witches to help /advise on how to unblock negativity in order to balance own power ?
Witches are energy workers who invoke a higher power to work through them to help/hurt others. As one who practices Therapeutic Touch, which is a form of healing by energy field manipulation, we are taught that it is essential to disengage yourself from the person being treated at the end of the session. This is a form of self-cleansing. Otherwise you end up trapping the energies of others within your own being. I would advise you to investigate this form of healing more and apply it to your own life. To go a step further you might consult a qualified practitioner of Therapeutic Touch to begin healing yourself. It is true that you can't effectively help others until you can help yourself. This applies to love as well. Good luck and may you be blessed.I%26039;m seeking Warlocks/Witches to help /advise on how to unblock negativity in order to balance own power ?
Sorry, no answer for you as I do not believe in witches/spells... or any of that nonsense.I%26039;m seeking Warlocks/Witches to help /advise on how to unblock negativity in order to balance own power ?
You may consider re-reading your posting and editing it for clarity. All I really caught is everything sucks and your boat leaks?I%26039;m seeking Warlocks/Witches to help /advise on how to unblock negativity in order to balance own power ?
FAILI%26039;m seeking Warlocks/Witches to help /advise on how to unblock negativity in order to balance own power ?
You have to pay quite a bit for proper cleansing and stuff. I'd go to a church first and ask for prayers but if that's not your thing, try the websites below..

Hope that helps!I%26039;m seeking Warlocks/Witches to help /advise on how to unblock negativity in order to balance own power ?
In witchcraft everything you do comes back at you three times more. If you do evil to someone, you get three times the evil back at you. If you do good for someone else, you get good in your life three times over.

If you want the bad luck to go away, first you have to fix what you can in your life by being smart and using your gifts to help others with a pure and good heart. You need to control yourself and your emotions because your emotions are what's causing you to think good and bad things, and this causes good and/or bad to come to you.

For example, every time something bad happened to you, did you think something bad about someone else? Someone who made you mad or hurt you? Did you try to use your powers to make them do stuff for you that they wouldn't normally do?

My guess is that you did, even if you don't realize it at the time. This attracted bad energy to you and thus, caused bad things to happen to you in return...three times over. Some of the stuff you talked about was just bad luck...the same stuff that happens to all of us sometimes. Your twin dying wasn't your just happens that way sometimes. Some of the other stuff that happened isn't your fault either, but as you got older, you thought of it as a curse or really bad luck. This caused negative energy too, thus setting you up to feel negatively when someone else upset you, then started off the bad chain of events that caused other misfortunes.

What can you do about it? First, you need to work on changing the energy in your life. Every time someone makes you mad or does something wrong to you, clear your mind and wish and/or pray that they have good luck in their life and that they learn how to be a nicer person. This is a good spell to work and will not cause you any harm. It actually might do you both a lot of good.

Second, meditate in a very clean, very calm and soothing space. Clear your mind, relax and dig deep into your soul to find your center. Burn three white candles as you do, and burn some sweet smelling incense when you do. Lavender is great, so is lemon and a spring of rosemary if you have an incense pot. Meditate every day for a week, then do it once a week after that. Make sure you sit up straight and relax your shoulders when you do as it will help you to find a better balance in yourself. Also, before you meditate, draw a circle around your area in salt as a ward against evil, to keep evil out of your circle of calm and peace.

After all of this, make sure you use meditation after a stressful day so you can keep your center and give yourself time and space to figure out the best thing to do to fix what's going wrong. Don't think bad of anyone, think only good. You can even use your meditation time to wish good things on them as well as peace and understanding on yourself. That's very important to getting good luck for have to keep good thoughts in your head and heart, even when bad is happening around you.

Next, consider this. You said you're good luck for other people. Why not get a job for yourself as a good luck charm. There are enough people out there who believe that you can get a start as helping them find luck for themselves for a small fee, and thus, they can help you spread your reputation as someone who can better the luck and fortune of others.

After this, consider going back to school. Honestly, your post was very hard to read. No offense and I understand as you seem to be highly upset for a good reason, but whatever you do in your life, you're going to want to have a good education behind you so you can make the most of your life. You are meant to help other people in your life. You need a job that will let you help other people if you want to be happy. You can be a nurse, or a counselor or a legal aid...anything that lets you help people who need it most will give you happiness and security as well as good luck. True, you can help others with your powers, but you can help even more if you have a good job that will let you help them in other ways too.

As for everything else in your should make a list of all your problems and then write down things that you think will help you fix them. Make sure the solutions are made of good intentions, but make a good, long list of many possibilities and talk them over with a trusted friend or a counselor. Listen carefully and try to be objective about what they say. Then, do what seems the smartest thing possible.

Overall, you said what needs to be done already. You need to learn how to balance your powers. To do that you have to be calm and have good intentions in your heart and learn to do what's best for others even when a part of you doesn't want to. That's the best way you can change your karma and make it work for you and give you the balance you seek.

Good luck and best wishes.

PS: I forgot to mention that when you do stuff for other people, you have to wish in your heart for them to have good happen to them. You can't wish it so you can get something out of have to wish it to do good only. It also wouldn't hurt to say out loud that you wish good on them. Not only is this good for your karma, but it will confuse the person a lot who was trying to be mean to you. Good intentions and purity of your spirit is your greatest ally. Keep them close to you and work hard at fixing your life in a positive manner.

Also, read this web site for other clues you might need:

I hope this works for you and I wish you many blessings and good fortunes.
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